Some guy will post a picture of a pretty standard looking pepperoni pizza and say: "Imagine not living in new york." And then there's the whole bodega discourse, which is also funny. "For you non-new yorkers, let me explain: a bodega is not a corner store. It's a place where you can buy gatorade, toilet paper, AND eggs." Thank you sir for explaining that to a slack-jawed yokel such as myself.

  • Caitycat [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I'm starting to feel like thats just what happens when people move somewhere. Like something about being a transplant to a city suddenly makes you way more likely to talk about how thats the best city ever and how nowhere else is like it. Kinda like when people convert to a new religion and become really devout to it, compared to people who were born and raised in that religion.