In the recent AMA the Lemmy dev called their favorite instance:

    11 months ago

    Wow, what I wouldn't give to erase my memory and watch some of those shows for the first time again.

    I'm currently doing a rewatch of DS9 and I stand by my opinion that the second season is loaded with good episodes; most people shrug off the first two seasons and say the show doesn't get good until the third season but not me.

    • macabrett
      11 months ago

      I agree with you! Those were the seasons I had watched originally and I admittedly fell off. Coming back this time, I really enjoyed them. It does a great job of establishing the characters and their motivations. I know these characters get thrown through the ringer (hell, they already are) and it seems smart in retrospect to let you know who these people are outside of a crisis for a bit.

    • Dharma
      11 months ago

      I've watched ds9 more times than I care to admit, and I totally agree. The second season isn't the best season, but it's damn good. Honestly, it's sisko that doesn't get good until later. Dude needed to find his footing, but that's one of the things that makes it so good. It felt real. He was coming off a major loss, a major shift in his career, and now he's got a shape shifting cop, ferengi bartenders, filthy, filthy spoon heads on his flank, and he has to deal with the very uncomfortable nature of being quasi-worshipped by an entire planet. That's a tough transition!