Our next immediate goal is to purchase 100 acres of land on the reservation for the warehouse/distribution center, a food forest/communal farm, more construction projects for basic infrastructure, and the necessary legal fees and a lawyer to procure a buffalo pasture so that we can stop relying on white ranchers commodifying the necessities for ceremonial practices.

Will post updates when we get the next round of fundraising going, but considering it only took us two weeks to raise our first 10k I'm confident we will be able to do this and I will be returning next year.

  • Wheaties [she/her]
    1 year ago

    please consider information security! Take care what you post.

    Something should only be news to your internet friends when it's olds to you and your org. And then give it another half-year just to be safe. If you're doing an internet fundraiser, yesterdays goal in the headline can still serve today's. Maybe I'm paranoid. But really, sleep on posts. Sleep on them a lot

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Also I literally have been putting multiple days and thousands of miles between me and these posts.