No seriously I could totally post one of these a week all summer. ... so like 8 times a year.

That's a joke about are short summers, get it ?

Quotes from article.

two "grossly intoxicated" men were spotted kayaking in the Okanagan last weekend.

they brought one of the men to shore after he passed out in his kayak

His friend attempted to intervene and fell off his kayak, and several more times as he tried to get to shore

Mounties said the pair was swearing and staggering towards their vehicle with their kayaks when officers moved in and arrested them

This is my home. These are my people.

Hope this explains my posting habits a bit.

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Canadians are fuckin narcs has been my takeaway from these occasional posts. You can't just give someone a DUI for drunkenly kayaking jfc, it should be illegal not to be intoxicated while kayaking if anything

    It's like drunkenly bicycling but somehow even less risk of anyone else getting hurt