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  • charlie
    11 months ago

    NATO - starts wars and keeps the meat grinder rolling all in the furtherance of capitalist dogma - you sleep

    Russia - literally just exists - you wake

    NATO’s #1 export is war and that's why NATO is hated around the world. Y'all just give people more reason to hate NATO.

      11 months ago

      Russia starting a war with 350,000 casualties and threatening to nuke the West is not literally just existing. If Russia wanted to literally just exist, they never would have literally invaded another country while lying about "training exercises".

      You're pro-Russian terrorism, it's not a good look.

      • charlie
        11 months ago

        NATO encircled a world power and for the last couple decades have worked to instigate a war that has led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people on the gamble that Russia would fall and allow the west to loot the country, exactly as they plan to loot a war torn Ukraine. For capitalism.

        You’re pro-NATO terrorism, it’s not a good look.

          11 months ago

          That's pure speculation.

          You literally have to create a fantasy about NATO doing something in the future to justify Russia actually doing evil things right now.

          Being pro imaginary terrorism is way better than being pro real terrorism.

          • charlie
            11 months ago

            NATO started this war by intentionally instigating Russia into conflict, using Ukraine as a proxy. Multiple times NATO have stood in the way of peace talks. That’s terrorism.

            Russia, defending ethnically Russian peoples against a state government hostile to their continued existence, and guarding against being encircled by NATO is not terrorism it’s kindergarten level geopolitics

              11 months ago

              Calling Ukrainians "ethically Russian" is a real fascist type of perspective.

              Murdering Ukrainians and caring it "defending them" is just plan psychopathic.

              • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
                11 months ago

                In case you're unaware, the "ethnically Russian" people being mentioned in the previous comment aren't Ukraine as a whole but the citizens of the Donbas who have been the victims of an ongoing genocide by Ukraine since ~2014.

              • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                11 months ago

                Admit it, you just hate Russia because the name "Joey Steel" burns your fae lips to say. stalin-comical-spoon

          • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
            11 months ago

            This is true. Maybe nato has a history of behavior we could investigate to see what their likely actions are going forward... Yeah, turns out it is a literal nazi army created to do war crimes to keep capitlaism strong.

              11 months ago

              This is true. Maybe nato has a history of behavior we could investigate to see what their likely actions are going forward... Yeah, turns out it is a literal nazi army created to do war crimes to keep capitlaism strong.

              Literally makes no sense because capitalism would still be just as strong without NATO.