• CyborgMarx [any, any]
    11 months ago

    Yeah you keep telling yourself that horseshit, just ignore the fact the admins flatly said we were banned for "inciting violence" in the form of "KIll all slaveowners"

    Also "brigading" that's an interesting word, is that what you're doing right now?

    • gowan@reddthat.com
      11 months ago

      No because brigading is encouraging a subset of a website to raid something else. A single person cannot be brigading anything as a single person isn't a brigade.

        • gowan@reddthat.com
          11 months ago

          That would also not be brigading but if you are crossposting with say /r/conservative in order to draw people to fight there that would be brigading.

          Before ShermanPosting became a place that just shat on the south brigading was a problem.