• Egon [they/them]
    10 个月前

    While it's not entirely ruled out

    It was always bogus and has always been ruled out by anyone even remotely serious. Giving into that theory just feeds racist bigotry. If you wanna get conspiracy-brained then Fort Detrick is a much better bet anyway.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 个月前

        That's a drastic reaction. Did I scratch you, racist?

        I just looked into the claims at the time and afterwards. They were led by politicians and they were mocked and critiqued at the time.
        it was always just led by us politicians wanting to blame someone other than themselves for their terrible handling of covid.

        Of course you already know this, you just want an excuse to say "China bad". You could've posted some sources instead of insulting me, but then again there aren't really anyone credible to post about <3