Meta post I've decided to make. I enjoyed the unixporn subreddit a lot when I used reddit more. I enjoy customizing my linux de as much as the next nerd.

But you definitely shouldn't use racist slang to refer to the process.

To be clear, I didn't know the origin of the term 'ricing' until fairly recently. I was chattimg with my friend and used it to describe my de setup. They informed me that apparently it's from car customization, and is a pejorative against generally asian men who customize their car to look like a racecar.

After learning this I was sad to realize just how engrained it is in linux de customization culture. I personally have stopped using the term, and I would ask everyone here stop as well.

  • space_comrade [he/him]
    1 year ago

    And if you need examples I invite you to read all of the responses in the thread objectively, and not as a hexbear user with already hurt feelings.

    I actually did re-read the entire thread extremely objectively (I put on my maximum objectivity cap) and I stand by my initial conclusion that you're a huge fucking baby.

      1 year ago

      Dealing with you is tiring just like every maga idiot ever parroting the same bullshit and never actually addressing a point. You sure you didn't go so far left you ended up in rightville? You may have dropped your red hat.

      I'm going to take your refusal to address anything other than your weird sticking point of calling me a baby as you have no legs to stand on with regard to the actual substance of this thread.

      Keep holding that L homie.

      • macabrett
        1 year ago

        Things a baby would say: "communism is the same as MAGA"

          1 year ago

          You lot really are top tier shitters aren't you. Just grasping at concepts and twisting words to fit your little victim complex. Please show me where I equated communism to maga. That was all you babycakes.

          • macabrett
            1 year ago

            You sure you didn't go so far left you ended up in rightville? You may have dropped your red hat.

              • macabrett
                1 year ago

                oh shit I forgot liberals babies don't have reading comprehension skills, even for things they wrote

                okay, so you were replying to a poster named space_comrade from a mostly communist instance of lemmy and then you asked if they had gone so far left that they ended up in rightville

                hope that helps

                  1 year ago

                  Usernames are irrelevant. Do you think I'm the middle of the night? Is your name Brett and you like macadamia nuts? McDonalds? Or are you taking maga and wanting to make america communist again? Are you a fan of the macabre and tt is your initials? You're inserting your own prejudices to do a lot of heavy lifting here.

                  If you want to equate maga and communism go for it. But I didn't and no amount of your mental gymnastics will change that.

                  • macabrett
                    1 year ago

                    Okay, so just to verify, you agree that communism and MAGA are incompatible and that you cannot go so far left that you end up on the right. Glad we cleared that up!

                    EDIT: oh and going by your standards of conversation, I never said you said Communism and MAGA are the same. I said a baby would say that. You called yourself a baby.

                      1 year ago

                      I don't have an opinion on their compatibility, I don't belong to either group and don't have any interest in either. What I do know is both of you use the same tactics when trying to argue a point. The way you try to reframe things to insert your conclusion as fact and then act like that's the end of it is the same shit Ben Shapiro does to OwN thE LiBs. I can also say without a doubt that both groups are equally insufferable

                      • macabrett
                        1 year ago

                        Uhhh mostly people just called you a baby, idk about the reframing thing

                          1 year ago

                          oh shit I forgot liberals babies communists don’t have reading comprehension skills, even for things they wrote

                          You wouldn't see the reframing because your reading comprehension is ass. People hurling insults instead of addressing a point is classic maga, but go on, show me how you don't argue a point the same while using the same tired tactics.

                          • macabrett
                            1 year ago

                            Stop reframing this conversation. My only purpose was to call you a baby.

                              1 year ago

                              If that were true you would have stopped after you did it. But you didn't, because that wasn't your only purpose, but go on keep deluding yourself.

                              • macabrett
                                1 year ago

                                Oh another thing babies have trouble understanding. When you reply to someone, they often reply back. I understood this when I called you a baby, but you seem to not understand why I'm still calling you a baby. It's because my position hasn't been swayed.

                                  1 year ago

                                  I don't know if you know this, but nobody cares if you call them a baby. But by all means keep doing it so you can show your friends how you totally owned someone online by calling them a baby 🤣