• sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    People were calling for them to intervene immediately after the coup in 2014 and they didn't. Doesn't mean that wasn't still the reason for the intervention years later.


    • barsoap@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      coup in 2014

      Ватник отъебись сказал мне не слушаешь урод

        • barsoap@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          A special electoral operation. Yanukovich reneged on election promises, people didn't like that and protested, he tried to turn Ukraine into a dictatorship, people liked that even less and protested even more, NATO sent... politicians, to negotiate compromises, protesters wanted to hear nothing about that, Yanukovich fled to his masters in Russia, got removed from office because AWOL, brief interim government, promptly followed by new elections which is how those kinds of iffy situations get solved in democracies.

          You used the OSCE as a source previously, pray tell me what does the OSCE say about the following elections?

                • barsoap@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  Noone gives a fuck whether the IMF gets what it wants or not. Not even the IMF in that case they simply don't give out money.

                  Also, the loan condition was about stopping to subsidise gas to be sold to consumers at below market price. Not sell off Anatonov or something.

                  Also the people have spoken. Pray tell, again, did you have a look at what the OSCE said about those elections? Seems to me like the Ukrainian electorate thought that the whole EU and not going bankrupt thing was worth paying realistic utility bills.

                  • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
                    10 months ago

                    Noone gives a fuck whether the IMF gets what it wants or not. Not even the IMF in that case they simply don't give out money.

                    weird how when they don't get what they want there always seems to be some sort of intervention, financial or military against the offending party. Clearly there is no cause and effect that can ever be associated in the liberal mind.

                    , did you have a look at what the OSCE said about those elections?

                    The election took place in the context of ongoing armed conflict and other hostilities in the east of the country and the illegal annexation of the Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation. As a consequence, the election could not be organized in Crimea and certain parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions that are controlled by illegal armed groups.

                    Weird, so almost like there was an active war going on the whole time and the elections only reflected the most western-aligned people. Again, cause and effect are literally impossible to connect in the liberal mind.

                    • barsoap@lemm.ee
                      10 months ago

                      weird how when they don’t get what they want there always seems to be some sort of intervention, financial or military against the offending party.

                      Care to back that up with data? How does e.g. Argentine keep getting away with things?

                      Weird, so almost like there was an active war going on

                      And whose fault is that? Who prevented that people in occupied regions participated in the elections?

                      the whole time and the elections only reflected the most western-aligned people.

                      That's a very, very wrong take on the Ukrainian electorate. Both politically and I suppose geographically/ethically as the "people's republics" didn't at all cover Russian-speaking regions.

                      • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
                        10 months ago

                        How does e.g. Argentine keep getting away with things?

                        wtf are you talking about? link

                        Argentina, the largest debtor with the IMF after years of economic crisis, has seen locals lose faith in their currency as inflation hit triple-digits and almost four-in-10 people are below the poverty line.

                        They're already in debt hand getting pressured to do austerity, what do you even think is going on in the world?

                        Weird, so almost like there was an active war going on And whose fault is that? Who prevented that people in occupied regions participated in the elections?

                        I think the fault lies with the people who ignored any attempts at negotiation (minsk 1 and 2 peace agreements, and went on ramping up for a proxy war anyways)

                        There was a coup -> there is an active warzone in part of the country -> elections happen (so free and fair) -> The post coup elected government continues shelling the people living in the east anyways -> intervention happens shocked-pikachu

                        • barsoap@lemm.ee
                          10 months ago

                          They’re already in debt hand getting pressured to do austerity, what do you even think is going on in the world?

                          They're not doing austerity and yet getting their credit line renewed. Nor are they getting putsched.

                          minsk 1 and 2 peace agreements,

                          Both broken by Russia(n backed forces). And exactly those forces also made sure that people can't vote.

                          • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
                            10 months ago

                            this is being pressured to do austerity

                            minsk 1 and 2 peace agreements, Both broken by Russia(n backed forces). And exactly those forces also made sure that people can't vote.

                            Pretty sure the ceasefire violations were a 'both sides' thing, but for most of this fighting one side (Ukraine) has has a distinct advantage in terms of weaponry, considering the irregular forces.

                            The west was using those peace agreements to build up forces, Merkel literally admitted that on camera.