I guess they didn’t want people to end up calling it P Road

  • eagleeyedtiger@lemmy.nz
    10 months ago

    The name – meaning “to move swiftly in battle formation like the crab”

    We can’t have anything cool in this country. We need more street names like this! I for one would be proud to live on the battle crab street.

      • Longpork_afficianado@lemmy.nz
        10 months ago

        Papa-kanga-horo-horo. Eight syllables, pretty straightforward. My Māori is pretty trash, but after one read of it and a handful of times saying it out loud it's pretty simple.

        My advice to anyone complaining about it is to just say it out loud a few times. I guarantee that by the time you've said it to the moving company, the power company, the insurance company and your mum, you'll have it locked down.

        It also has the added bonus of being completely unique, so there's no chance of your ambulance being dispatched to park terrace on the other side of town while you're choking on park road.

      • eagleeyedtiger@lemmy.nz
        10 months ago

        I don't know man. It would just take a couple of tries to get it and then get used to it like pretty much anything new?

        Honestly I've never cared what the name of the street I lived on was or how long it is.