How in the FUCK are these allowed on the roads? I saw one go by me with my own two eyes and it was the BIGGEST thing on a regular old road I've ever seen, hands down.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    10 months ago

    Yeah, i think so. Same idea - the technology and industry to make these things is lost. There will never be any more of them, so each one is priceless.

    WH40k used to do it as well, with most space marine armor and weapons being priceless relics hundreds or thousands of years old. Warp-capable spaceships were irreplaceable, Eldar equipment was of great antiquity, the Tech Priests of Mars were hoarding every ancient thing they could get their hands on. Leman Russ tanks might be destroyed, retrieved, and repaired dozens of times. The massive baneblade tanks were truly ancient, and many of the titans are of unknowable antiquity.

    It can make for a neat aesthetic. Battletech used it to good effect to explain why the culture of the Mechwarriors is more like ancient knights than modern total-war oriented soldiers. Risking a mech in combat is a huge commitment, better to impose highly formal rules to minimize the risk to the machines, and with the nice bonus of reducing collateral damage.