Need a politics-free safe space? It's called "going for a walk"

  • SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    Funny because of the dozens, if not hundreds, of death threats I've gotten, practically all of them come from zionists, NAFOs, keyboard nazis or the occasional trumpeteer.

      10 months ago

      Full disclosure, as a leftist I avoid those far-right areas like the plague. I'm quite certain I would receive more far-right death threats if I did not.

      • GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
        10 months ago

        so you admit that you get mostly leftist death threats because you avoid groups that would send more?

      10 months ago

      Tankies don't get death threats from other tankies? I'm shocked!

        • HornyOnMain
          10 months ago

          Can confirm

      • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        You sound like a vooshite when you talk in this childish way, aren’t you embarrassed

      • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        people get death threats from groups they disagree with, you haven't been in any fandoms, much less online groups in general, if you don't know this.

              • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                10 months ago

                So you're just talking out your ass then????

                The times I tell people to go fucking die are if they're nazis, transphobes, or cops basically

                You sad about me telling nazis to face the wall?

                Edit: Sorry, I see now that you're not the person who made that claim, I stand by everything I said though. Also, lmao, you dont even have an example and you're this defensive about someone else?