• combat_brandonism [they/them]
    1 year ago

    sniff Zhe downfall of irony ish that itsh humor comesh from maintaining a dishtance from that which it critiquesh, a dishtance sniff which makesh it eashy to co-opt. Think of conshervatives watching zhe Colbert Report thinking it'sh their version of the daily show and sho-on and sho-forth. sniff Only that art which over-identifiesh with itsh target and embracesh those worst esshential ashpects of it, like zhe polish punk band that dresshesh up in nazi regalia, can avoid such co-optshion.

    O wise, learned anti-Tito anti-Yugo scholar, wouldn't that make the art indistinguishable from that which it critiques?


    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      1 year ago

      I love how in hindsight everything Zizek ever says is just tricking the left into acting more embarrassing. How did we not notice