
A rat taking submarine evasive action to avoid encounter with the duck.

  • Cigarette_comedian [he/him]
    1 year ago

    "I believe I have something stuck under me." Said Duck. "Could you be so kind to dive under and check if something is in my feathers?"

    "Wouldn't it be easier for me to check if you got out of the water?" asked Rat.

    "Oh, I simply can not, it's my bathing time and I will not get out for something so trivial."

    Rat thought Duck was unreasonable, but rather than argue, Rat dove in to help out.

    I would say Rat did it with a great splash, but Rat is not that big, the splash more comparable to that of a small pebble thrown by a child.

    As Rat dove under, the water stung its eyes, it looked up and saw nothing stuck under Duck, other than one of its feet dragged up close to the body.

    Rat tried to tell Duck that they could not see anything wrong, but water filled its mouth to quickly for any noise to come out, so Rat swam back on shore.

    "There's nothing stuck in your feathers, Duck", Rat said as they spat water out of their mouth.

    "Really? But I still feel something, surely you must be mistaken! Maybe check again?" Duck said, this time a bit irritated

    "Duck, try paddling a bit." Rat demanded lightly. Duck did as Rat said and paddled around.

    "Look at that, the feeling is gone, I must have paddled it off." said Duck delightedly.

    Rat looked under the waterline, and saw that Duck had both of their feet dangling in the lake.

    "Well, thank you for trying, Rat, but I guess I didn't need your help with this one." said Duck.

    Rat shrugged and scurried away, they were late for the meeting of the rodents. Though felt a little hurt by the lack of Ducks gratitude, but knew deep down that was just how Duck acted towards others.