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[A] - https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/16s6f32/is_being_labelled_a_nazi_in_2023_when_one_doesnt/

Is being labelled a Nazi in 2023 when one doesn't identify with the Nazi party or it's ideologies similar to dead-naming people who have changed their names?

In reference to the Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for Nazi Germany in WW2, then fought for Ukrainian independence afterwards. Canada recently had him in House of Commons to pay respect for Ukraine, which caused an uproar.

On one hand, a man fought for an evil power. Wether he had choice in that participation is up for debate. Does it make a difference what actions he took for the rest of his life or should he always be labelled a Nazi? Is he more of a Nazi than skin head, swastika tattoos nazis of today? I guess the question is, is it fair to judge someone this way? Looking for your thoughts.

  • Magician [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    The redemption arc is a darling trope for libs. That want so badly to not think of their racist relatives as bad people. Or they just want to justify their secret love for fascism by saying they actually only like the ones who are good deep down.

    They don't know the only good nazi is a dead nazi.