• PZK [he/him]
    9 months ago

    "...stop politicizing an issue troubling to many, myself included."

    Of all the crap I see and hear politicians do, seeing them whine about things being "political" is next level absurd. ITS YOUR FUCKING JOB TO BE POLITICAL.

    It would be easy to denounce the individual after learning more about who he was, but this crocodile-tears approach tells me she knew who he was before (or doesn't care) and is just upset she got caught worshiping him. Here, I can write a better half-assed, passive voice coverup for her:

    "I was not aware of the individual's past and it was not communicated to the other MP's. I do not condone or support the individual's past actions and I apologize for for my part in celebrating their presence. This was a mistake on the part of this governing body that should have been better communicated to us. I believe I speak for all MP's that we openly denounce Nazism, and the individuals responsible."

    • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      These people may be seasoned liars, but denouncing Nazism would cause their skin to boil. It's a level of pretending they can't achieve.