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  • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
    9 months ago

    This is going to be kind of a rushed response since I have a meeting in 10 minutes, but I just want to address how often you ask the question "is this normal?". Because I think it's the wrong question. More precisely, I think it's not a very useful question. On the one hand, human sexuality is weird and strange, so basically everything is "normal". On the other hand, human sexuality is weird and strange, so nothing is "normal".

    I like to think instead in terms of what makes you and your partners happy. If everyone is enjoying themselves, it really doesn't matter what actual acts are taking place, it's all cool and good. But if people aren't having a good time, again, it doesn't really matter what is actually happening, it's uncool and bad.

    It sounds to me like you're going to be ok! You're thinking about things and you're open to the possibilities, so good on you for that. You don't always have to have a set in stone label for your sexuality either. If you want one, there probably is one that fits, but it's not necessary to label yourself if you're not into it.

    Keep thinking and experimenting!

    Possibly giant emoji
