Gonna be hosting a Friendsgiving for my vegan friends and need some ideas on what to make. Everyone in attendance is fine with eating vegan so I need some ideas for a main, some sides, stuffing, and dessert.

  • StalinwasaGryffindor [he/him, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    A stuffed pumpkin/squash makes for a really good main. I don’t have a go to recipe but there are lots online you can find

    For a side, I’ve made a roasted root vegetable and Brussels sprout salad that has always been a hit. Choose your favorite root vegetables, dice them. Chop large Brussels sprouts in halves/quarters as needed (leave small ones whole). Toss the root vegetables and sprouts in oil, maple syrup, salt, pepper and your choice of spices (thyme, rosemary for more thanksgiving flavors, garlic is also good). Roast on a flat tray until the vegetables are soft when pierced with a fork. Toss with a salad dressing of oil, vinegar and maple syrup and serve warm over a bed of arugula