Bob* was riding across the Kurilpa Bridge into the city on a quiet school holiday Friday morning, also coincidentally World Car-Free Day, when ... BAM, he was $464 poorer.

  • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    I have been to plenty of public spaces shared by bicyclists and pedestrians(squares, markets and the like), it is sometimes chaotic, but it was never dangerous. This is a ridiculous take on the danger of bikes. Semmingly coming from a place with no bicycling cluture.

      9 months ago

      Did you ever been hit by a bike? Probably no. Rider on 15km/h would definitely knock pedestrian down, and it is alone enough to cause serious injuries. Plus bikes have so many sharp edges, it is not same as been rammed by a runner.