like what did you dream for in the future or wanted as a job for when you became an adult. what did you end up getting stuck with?
i dident really have a dream as a kid, those were the years when i messed around and learned. now im in high school struggling with life and being paranoid for dumb reasons.
I never had an easy time imagining a future for myself and I never had realistic goals. When I was a kid I wanted to be a Ghostbuster, then a power ranger. Then I think I disassociated for a long time, briefly got the idea to be a programmer in college, but that didn't work out since I was no good at it. Then I randomly had the idea to study genetics, which also didn't work out. I changed majors eight times in college.
Won't say what I do now so I don't get doxxed, but it's not exciting and it's a dead end job. I still don't know what I want, but maybe that's a good thing. I make music though so that's kind of neat.