So, I'm at a crossroads. I really want to switch to Linux permanently. I've used it before and I've tried quite a few distros.

I'm personally not the biggest fan of flatpaks because I prefer native ones. Now, I'd like everyone's input on this. I love rolling releases. I dislike Fedora and Ubuntu and those based on those distros. I don't know which has a more non-breaking experience when it comes to daily use and heavy use along with gaming. Should I stick with switching to Tumbleweed? I love YAST and it does take a bit more to setup along with using my own repo with Opne Build Service, but its awesome overall. But Arch has the AUR and it has more packages and its easier to setup.

I can get Arch to easily have btrfs snapper support. There's a package in the AUR that easily sets that up with grub. I'm just entirely not sure. Or I could just forget all that and just use MX Linux. But ehh I prefer leading edge distros.