• Hexbear2 [any]
    9 months ago

    Zionists really are fucking Nazis. Disgusting.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      9 months ago

      Fun fact: lots of Nazis were Zionist. Their antisemitism included advocating for deporting Jewish people to Palestine and they worked with Zionist organizations to promote what people would now call "voluntary self-deportation".

      • REEEEvolution@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        Fascilitating that was Eichmanns first job actually. The deal was the following, if jews migrated out of the Reich they lost all their property within. If they migrated to palestine they received a fraction of the worth of their forfeit property in colonialisation equipment + training.

        • JucheBot1988@lemmygrad.ml
          9 months ago

          There's a quote -- I'm going to try to pin it down -- from somebody in the late 19th century to the effect that "Zionist poltical literature and the worst type of anti-Semitic literature are often indistinguishable."