• Nakoichi [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Fuck off. Posting unsourced shock images to try to emotionally manipulate people into supporting a genocidal apartheid state is disgusting.

    I have zero patience for Zionists.

    • @SwampYankee@mander.xyz
      8 months ago

      Those pictures are all over the internet, but here's the specific article I got them from which I'm sure you're very interested in. You know the Nazis took pictures of Jews playing in orchestras and doing sports and shit, right?

      I'm not a Zionist, but I'm also not a fucking moron. The world shouldn't be surprised when Israeli children get murdered in their beds, but we also shouldn't pretend it didn't happen and Hamas are just joyriding in golf carts with smiling old Jews. You're quite literally trying to manipulate people into supporting Hamas, a terrorist group that murdered and kidnapped over 1k people two weeks ago, for fuck's sake. And you accuse me of manipulating people by posting photos of the aftermath? You're a gaslighting piece of shit. See a therapist.

      For the record, Israel disgusts me more every year. Netanyahu needs to be ventilated the same way his supporter did Rabin and I hope the settlements in the West Bank burn to the ground.

      • Nakoichi [he/him]
        8 months ago

        I'm not a Zionist, but I'm also not a fucking moron

        Actually you're both.

        See a therapist.

        Very cool ableism. I disagree with you and think you are a liberal centrist both sides-ing genocide therefore I must have some mental disorder. Fuck ooooofffffffffffffff!

        You are also flattening this conflict by claiming that Hamas are the only ones fighting back. This is not "Hamas" this is a popular front of several militant liberation organizations fighting for the existence of their people against a genocidal settler colonial project and you're painting them all as terrorists under a blanket label that you yourself demonstrably do not understand. You are also being manipulated by imperialist media but you have to be letting yourself believe this shit at this point because it is so incredibly blatant.

        By the way those people that the Palestinian fighters are defending include Palestinian Jews that Israel is bombing all the same.

        • Nakoichi [he/him]
          8 months ago

          Implying that fascist apologia is something that is indicative of a "mental health problem" is ableist on its own. We can call these assholes out without resorting to these sorts of insults that might harm your comrades and most likely roll right off their intended target.

          It also undermines the agency of the one spouting fascist shit and in a way removes their agency and diminishes their participation in doing said fascist rhetoric.