• CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    I know Stalin was Christian at one point, even studying at a seminary to become a priest, but was he still Christian by the time he was general secretary?

    • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Yeah reading more into the struggles the USSR had with the orthodox church you're right to say that Stalin 100% ditched this outlook by the 1930s as he was calling for state athiesm in the 1930s and kept trying to purge the 'reactionary' orthdox church members from positions of infulence.

      I am wrong to say that the direction of this was because of fears of Stalins orthodoxy, my mistake.

      The key thing though to take away was, that he mostly failed; Russia was just that much orthodox. The key points where how he made concessions like recriminalizing abortion in the 1930s; not a position he likely would have wanted to do due to his ideological position, but one he had to do to maintain a cohesive country.