Former democratic party activists are organizing Muslims and Arab-Americans in Swing states to vote against Biden with the demand that he support a ceasefire in Gaza.

I'll allow them a little bit of electoralism this time.

  • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
    11 months ago

    From what I've gathered in this thread, my vote is simultaneously completely worthless and inffective, yet also the most precious thing I should only give to the most worthy.

    I think of it like this. In an ideal society (or at least vaguely functional political system), your vote would and should be precious. Yet in our shithole nation, this precious thing of yours is forced to be given to one of two genocidal evils. the-democrat is the face of a party who pretends like they'll take your vote and do something useful. Stand up for minorities, do something about climate change, maybe reduce the mass social murder in this country, or just do fucking anything at all. Yet time and again, they only make things worse. If your vote is precious and should only be given to the most worthy, why give it to a racist, senile, sex offending, warhawk?

    And we all know that to vote for anyone other than the two candidates is a useless gesture, accomplishing nothing. So in practical terms, voting in this nation is voting for one of holden-bloodfeast this guy's two masks. Why fucking bother?

    Edit to add-

    I can agree Joe is a genocider and still vote for him instead of trump

    Why? Why the shitting fuck would you decide "This genocider is deserving of my vote". That is a physical manifestation of your thought that this man should lead our country. You're not just passively thinking it, you're taking an active step to make sure that happens. If a daycare was trying to choose between John Wayne Gacy or Albert Fisch to be its director, it would be fucking insane to give it serious thought and then vote on one of them. You should demand to know why this is the choice in the first place, and not shrug and vote for one of them like a browbeaten little b----

    • synae[he/him]
      11 months ago

      Thanks for the emoji, I was starting to think I was doing something wrong if no hexbear folk would use emoji with me

      So in practical terms, voting in this nation is voting for one of holden-bloodfeast this guy’s two masks. Why fucking bother?

      The short answer is, one of the masks is attacking lgtbq and women's rights domestically, and the other isn't. I understand that their complicity- doing nothing to stop this or actually enact protections - is also part of your point.

      I'm not well-versed in the specific meanings of your emoji, but I take holden-bloodfeast there to be an old dying capitalist whose bank account can never be sated no matter the cost. I don't think that type gives a shit about lgbtq issues one way or another. R's do it for culture war bullshit, and holding on to their christian voters. But it is possible for them to simply stop pursuing those goals and keep their voters, and its not like the D's will suddenly "step up" as the other mask of Mr Holden to start oppressing these groups. As long as the almighty economy keeps going and his bank account grows it doesn't matter one way or another to his kind. So when it comes to voting for one mask or the other, if one is going to win anyway, why not nudge things towards the one that is more humane, even if its just a drop in the bucket?

      You’re not just passively thinking it, you’re taking an active step to make sure that happens.

      Isn't part of your point that it will happen no matter what? If its going to happen, regardless of my vote, is it really an active step? This sounds like I'm being purposefully obtuse, but I'm not trying to be. I think maybe we're just going in circles.

      Anyway, to address your addendum differently-- lately it seems on any given election cycle it's the last gasp of hope that we can keep a semi-functioning democracy. Other activities happen before that, in which I am not taking active steps to elect a ghoul (or sometimes we can even take active steps towards a non-ghoul!).

      In that aspect, I think your serial killer daycare analogy is a bit weak, in that there are many more steps to electing someone to office than there are to hiring someone for a daycare; and the processes in place whittle the electoral field down to a very small group which would not be the case for hiring someone for daycare. When it comes to US electoral process, I understand it well enough to see how we got to that point, and recognize that even if the outcome is horrible I should use my tiny bit of influence to nudge us towards the less-successful serial killer. (err... tried to go back to the analogy, didn't work so well. leaving it in lmao)

      • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
        11 months ago

        if one is going to win anyway, why not nudge things towards the one that is more humane, even if its just a drop in the bucket?

        Like I said, materially supporting genocide is a red line. The GOP is working to strip rights and protections from women and LGBT populations. Yeah, the Dems aren't actively participating. They are doing sweet fuck-all about it though. Their inaction on minority protections does not justify their culpability in genocide. Not to mention how many times the Dems have refused to codify such protections into law when they had the chance. They know for a fact that they're allowing the GOP to get away with their shit once the GOP is elected, and they just don't care. This lack of active attack means that people such as yourself can see them and say "well at least they're not the ones actively hurting me" and still ensure that nothing is actually done. The "attack - standback" cycle is endless, and each party benefits from not actually helping these minorities. It's like I was saying earlier, the Dems will absorb votes from people who think they'll help. And they'll never help. They don't want to. If you care about women and gay people, why vote for a party that willingly participates in that disgusting cycle?

        is it really an active step?

        Yes. You are taking the time out of your day to expend energy and thought into marking your ballot and getting it filed. In some states, a substantial part of your day. That is actively deciding to use your limited impact on this system to vote for the genocide guy.

        I think your serial killer daycare analogy is a bit weak, in that there are many more steps to electing someone to office than there are to hiring someone for a daycare

        Don't be a nerd about this. Of course there are more steps. It doesn't change the choice's similarities.

        Anyway, other people smarter than I am seem to have a lot more energy for the Q&A session so I'm tapping out. My point was and is that Dem's "pretending to give a fuck" act about minority protections does not excuse them from participating in genocide. The fact that we're at this point shows that democracy has blatantly failed. Good luck with your inquiries

        • synae[he/him]
          11 months ago

          Anyway, other people smarter than I am seem to have a lot more energy for the Q&A session so I’m tapping out.

          I'm sure people like me can be draining sometimes. I hope I haven't been too egregious in that regard. Thank you for your time and patience, & enjoy your day!