• SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    Republican Party has to be extinct before left-wingers has a more significant foothold.

    How y'all plan to do that with the 'more numerous' Democrats obstructing progressive ideals just as staunchly, if not moreso than the Republicans? I don't sell out where I stand to gain nothing; and my left hand to my gods, my right hand to my ancestors, I see no one currently worth even temporary alliance in the current day Democrat party, exactly like I see the Republicans.

    As it stands, I'd rather the whole shit fell apart than sell my principles for nil to ghoul barbarians who will waste that support, as well as my tax money, on endless war, endless subjugation, and endless climate change.

    • Reptorian@lemmy.zip
      8 months ago

      Easy. Voting left-wing on the down ballot and putting the better of the two on top. And it works over time.

      • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
        8 months ago

        I'm telling you there is no better, and the people you'd have me pencil-whip will waste the support, and my tax money. What's your plan? What's your party willing to concede? 'Cause right now, it sounds like a whole lot of nothing on offer for the invalidation of everything I believe in.

        • Reptorian@lemmy.zip
          8 months ago

          And a single person isn't going to change my mind, and you haven't offered anything. How you vote is your prerogative, not mine. Would you like to try again?

          • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
            8 months ago

            Then why are you out here giving Democrat-biased advice? They're the ones soliciting for my vote, not the other way around; ergo, the party who wants needs to give something. But now you're being a a redditor-type debate pervert; so you can get gone-- discussing with you is a waste. I don't address myself to people who talk like settlers, and I hear first world in your text.

            • Reptorian@lemmy.zip
              8 months ago

              You asked for a plan. I gave you what I think should be a plan. I don't think you can demonstrate that I'm giving Democrat-biased advice to people here. My profile is public. Feel free to try.

              Your vote is not my business. So, I really do not care if you don't want to vote.