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  • Maoo [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    If it's a desktop/laptop, I recommend Pika, which is just a nice frontend and scheduler for borg backup. If it's a server, I recommend borgmatic.

    The nice thing about borg is that it does all of the things people usually want from backups but that are kind of frustrating to do with scripts:

    • Encryption so they're private and can be uploaded to cloud storage safely.
    • Compression so they aren't too big.
    • Uses snapshots with deduplication so that they don't take up too much space.
    • Snapshots happen on a schedule.
    • There's a retention policy of how many snapshots to keep and at what interval (1 snapshot per year for the last 4 years and 1 per month for 12 months, for example).
    • You can browse through old snapshots to retrieve files.
    • You can restore from a snapshot.
    • Ignore certain files, directories, and patterns.

    It is surprisingly difficult to get all of that in one solution, but borg things will do all of the above.