• commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Damn I work in the rail sector and what I wouldn't give to go help China's progress instead of the absurdly inefficient bullshit of the western world. Of course, I wish I was contributing more to fixing the world too, but just the fulfillment of seeing something done compared to all of Europe begging until defense contractors drop a couple rails down for the bloated bureaucracy

    Anyone know how I can do that? I'd take serious requests

    • commiewithoutorgans [he/him, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Coming back to reiterate, the absolute worst thing about working for rail is that everything expensive is provided by the worst bastards ever. Fuckin imperialist military machine builders and they're all on the fuckin BDS lists. It was devastating looking into all of the "partners" and only seeing murderers. They took our goddamn trains and oligopolized the market so that governments are dependent on them for infrastructure and transport so that any break of military ties can only destruct transport.

      Delende est El occident