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  • Juice [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    I'm not any more an ML than I am an anarchist. Im a communist, but that doesn't make me an ML. I told you I come from a unique tradition, please respect that. I agree with you that there were certain decisions made during the Russian revolution that, when crystallized into dogma (which it has in some glaring cases), would lead to the sort of thing that you are talking about. But if I had to guess, you wouldn't be a reliable source for historical context from that era anyway.

    You don't know the first thing about my praxis. The side that is doing the purges is not the side that I am on. Please stop trying to flatten everything and everyone to fit into your shit post. I promise you, if you stay on this path you will end up doing great psychic damage to yourself. I know its hard to deal with historic contradiction but that's not an excuse. History is calling us to do better, to create the conditions that will bring about the commune, not turn everything into memes. Ask yourself what you are getting out of this. Try to step outside your ego, I'll try to do the same

    But you're right, I probably should just ignore you. Cheers.

      • Juice [none/use name]
        8 months ago

        Even the MLs that I was describing are a tiny minority of comrades who just have to grow and learn. 99% of HBs are actual comrades who live and die by this shit.

        Again, flattening everything down to fit your narrative. You're only harming yourself with this

          8 months ago

          Now hold on a second, mate. Did you even read what I wrote? Who did I flatten? If anything I agreed with you about your character.

          • Juice [none/use name]
            8 months ago

            I'm just not going to be party to intellectual McCarthyism and badmouthing other commies