toolbox is preinstalled on fedora silverblue/kinoite whereas distrobox isn't. What's the advantage of one vs the other? Why is toolbox preinstalled and not distrobox?

edit: thank you guys! I guess for me this means that I'll use distrobox because it's much more mature or documentation is a little bit better and I do not need (or have) fedora's support

  • TheCaconym [any]
    7 months ago

    I really wanted to avoid a debate (doubly so in a thread where some dude just wanted some help), which is why I'm trying not to engage the various answers I got; though just one thing since I apparently can't help myself: Qubes, which you cite, is indeed an example of such improved security done correctly, through an hypervisor and a solid implementation; not cgroups, some duct-tape and the same kernel, and thinking your security has improved. Thanks again, at any rate.

      7 months ago

      Understandable! Please consider coming back to this at some point (also possible in private) as I'm genuinely curious to hear from you.

      7 months ago

      There are may layers of security that every companies have different approach based by their users / their target customers.