was looking for a GUI video editor on Android, and couldn't find an open source one, so downloaded a proprietary apk(powerdirector).
was greeted with this as soon as I installed an opened it.

deleted it that very instant. will stick to ffmpeg on termux.

image below is from david revoy's mastodon post.

image transcription:
meme has two images. upper one is a cropped screenshot from an app that reads, "to protect your rights to privacy, please accept the privacy policy and terms of use to continue."

lower one is an image of pepper from pepper&carrot with one of her hand in air, eyes lit up and mouth agape. superimposed on very bottom is a text that reads, "Hmm, what a logic."

  • lemmesay@discuss.tchncs.de
    7 months ago

    stock android 13 doesn't allow you to completely block internet access. :(
    only solution now is to use netguard

    • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      Ah SAD! I think you can use AFWall+ if you have root though. It won't open up a VPN Service unlike Netguard.

      • Vuraniute@thelemmy.club
        7 months ago

        rooted user here, any way to make afwall automatically block system apps that dont require internet access?