Aho hau mitakuyepi (hello my relatives) I am Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, my name is Sungmanitu Bluebird and I founded the Chunka Luta Org. Theres a lot of questions our agent who was handling our instance on this website couldn't answer for one reason or another. However I will be doing my best to handle posting and replying on here. I never really used reddit or any old forum, I frankly didnt use the internet actively besides Minecraft and steam games til I was 16 maybe? I am currently 24 and this came about as last year a major winter storm hit Pine Ridge

And we lost a lot of people. I knew winters were hard so had already started raising money before the emergency happened, but when it did we were able to raise 5k and bring a uhaul full of blankets and wood and water to the Rez
it was a terrifying drive and by the time we got there my uncle had dug out an elder name Eli Tail Sr. who unfortunately passed this fall to the cold despite all our efforts to try and better prepare for winter this year. His fire went out while he slept. That was the impetus, since then we raised another 10k to help the people and put on an important ceremony known as Sundance which hosted 200+ people and fed them for 4 days, and bring organizers from across the continent there to meet in person and have the discussions we cant here, as well as taste the pear of decolonization. After that ceremony the leaders approached us about buying the land for 10k which took us 2 weeks to raise in the previous fundraiser. We did this, raised money for a camera mans labor to take professional photos and video with a drone, helped get kids school supplies and clothes helped save someones life from a black widow bite, helped move a house for the traditional headsmen of the nation
which ended up being more costly due to its strange architecture, and are still raising the last bit for a wheelchair for a comrade who asked for help getting a new chair as theyre facing down homelessness with ever worsening sores. linktr.ee/chunkalutanetwork will bring you to all our social media efforts where you can learn more (and eventually our website where we will host all our stuff) as well as a go fund me and a patreon where you can become a monthly supporter of these people. Every dollar I make 25 percent goes back to my homelands like many immigrants here, except my homelands are occupied by the United States and people like Hinkle and Haz pretend colonization is over. Another portion of my income also goes to my homeless mom in Eureka. Another way you can help us is we are building a community center on that land and part of the 30k we are raising goes towards the labor involved in constructing it.
This is the approximate land we need to get a land survey done, and the forest to the left we also manage on behalf of the tribe and use the wood for ceremony or keeping people alive.
These are the first iteration of the blueprints, and I am sure there is something I forgot to mention we did this year. Along with this mutual aid, the community center is part of our steps toward dual power and national liberation. The building will let us feed the people, by cooking the food we will also be growing utilizing the land for food forests, and community gardens. Our most exciting project imo is the regeneration of prairie land to host buffalo and foodstuffs for ceremonial use and to feed those in need, this will lead to the decommodification of our ceremonies which currently white ranchers will charge up to 2k for a buffalo and let parts go to waste. We would do it for free and not waste a thing. We will also be utilizing this land base to reclaim other family allotments of similar size next to the bad lands and a bombing range that was stolen during WW2 under the Indian Reorganization Act, where we will plant trees to combat the desertification of the reservation due to the badlands erosion and the prairie dog problem (yes we have a solution for this too). Out of the community center we also will be starting a traditional drum group that will transition into reestablishing the former We Will Remember Survival School which AIM started back in the day in the same town we are building outside of. The people also believe we can bring back a toy drive once the community center is done that made sure every kid got a gift on christmas. They believe in us already so I think you should too. So $ZitkatosTinCan for cashapp, @zitkato for venmo, bandsofturtleisland@gmail.com for paypal or use the gfm link or patreon on the linktree. Thank you for your time

  • AlkaliMarxist
    11 months ago

    Made a small contribution to the go fund me & bump