I'm a heavy emoji user, texting is such a poor medium for communication, many times people get the wrong message, but with an emoji you'll get an idea of the face I'm making, so less chance of misunderstanding

I noticed that every time I add an emoji to a comment it gets downvoted, so I tested my theory, wrote a comment without an emoji, got upvotes, went back and added an emoji, got downvotes..

On Reddit people use emojis a lot, on Lemmy I NEVER saw anyone use emojis, my account is new but still for the time I spent here, I never saw the use of emojis

So, is it just me, have you noticed this small detail ? and do you miss emojis the way I do ? 😭

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Stop babbling about your very important comment history "dude."

    I'm not label dodging.

    Even fucking there you're dodging a label.

    Go away.



    Reddit awaits. They miss you there.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      7 months ago

      People like you are the reason people are afraid of Hexbear. I'm there not too infrequently and get along with most of the users fine. Then there's those like you who just want to troll. You add nothing and just try to be annoying, or try to "own" someone by taking things out of context and changing what people are saying. If you had anything valuable to say you wouldn't have to do that. You clearly don't. You add nothing, and you just make things worse for everyone except yourself (maybe, it could be worse for you too).

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        All of this because you want to call people "insane" in a way that is comfortable to you without pushback, the same way that people wanted to say the n-word and use homophobic slurs without pushback like in the early 2000s.

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          7 months ago

          Once again, I did not call them insane. The message they typed was "insane" as in extreme, to be specific an extreme case of lacking periods. That word is not used for the medical condition anymore. It hasn't been in a very long time. Just like "awesome" isn't something that inspires reverence anymore. Man, you're annoying.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Once again, you need so very badly for your very cool and cromulent word choice to be vindicated, resenting being told otherwise as if you've been told to eat your veggies and go to bed at a reasonable time because you have school tomorrow.

            Man, you're annoying.

            You can stop replying any time you like.