It's always amusing to me when someone "independently rediscovers" the exact same things that Marx and Lenin had already figured out over a hundred years ago, give it a fancy name and then act like it's some great new revelation. In summary: it turns out that geopolitical policy is driven by the financial and economic interests of the ruling class, and not simply by the rational self-interest of states as the "realists" like to believe. It's almost as if imperialism is the result of a certain monopoly stage of capitalist development. If only someone had written a book about this. If only someone had explained to the "realists" that states are not mystical self-actualizing entities but instruments of class rule.

  • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I feel the same way, although rather I feel dialectical materialism has made all bourgeoise philosophy obsolete. Any philosophical endeavor that doesn't take dialectical materialism as its basis is like a physics hypothesis that ignores general relativity. Like always, I will plug The Destruction of Reason, which shows how bourgeoise philosophy has only regressed for about 170 years since Hegel, and has no further purpose but to quiet the guilty conscience of capitalists or rouse their petit bourgeoise footsoldiers to defend capital.