And you know what, that might just very well be true if we’re talking about some supernatural force that is indifferent to its creations, not out of malice, but because it simply is truly neutral.

But as evidence for the religious capital ‘G’ God, the one who communicates and plans every little detail because he loves us so much? What is the point of these “subtle” proofs that took thousands of years to be studied and recorded when he has shown that he can just pop up anywhere or perform miracles and whatever the fuck.

It is no coincidence that the vast majority, possibly 99%, of devout religious people do not give a shit about using math to explain god because it’s all proven in their holy books. It is no coincidence that the “empirical” evidence is, in reality, just pointing at the existence of features and concepts of math and science rather than utilizing said features and concepts to prove the existence of god. And no, philosophical musings about morality using the language of mathematical proofs does not count as utilizing math and science (literally, all the axioms in these types of "proofs" are subjective shit like "bad" and "good" and not, say, the difference between 1 and 0).

And I didn’t even want to make a post dunking on religion, but I’m irritated because YouTube recommended some dumbass video by a channel called “Reformed Zoomer” and one of the arguments is “there is an infinite range of numbers between two numbers, and if we turn those numbers into letters, then every book possible has already been written. Checkmate atheoids”.

  • Venus [she/her]
    10 months ago

    What is just about getting a random number between 0 and 100 years to take a secret test that has been intentionally hidden from you and then being tortured for all eternity if you fail?

      10 months ago

      You are assuming that not getting the memo gets you to eternaal punishment, which is false. Only those who failed the test after getting the message are punished accordingly. Those that the message did not reach (say in the Amazonian jungle) will get their own test on the Day of judgement and will get retributed according to how they fared.

      We no longer have this issue in our time with the age of information.

      • Venus [she/her]
        10 months ago

        That is not what I'm talking about at all.

        10 months ago

        You are assuming that not getting the memo gets you to eternaal punishment, which is false.

        Considering "the memo" is some theists going "My sky daddy will let you live forever if you do what he says and torture forever if you disobey. Trust me bro!" that doesn't affect her point.