After all, the Jewish people has been closely linked with Palestine for a considerable period in history. Apart from that . . . we must not overlook the position in which the Jewish people found themselves as a result of the recent world war. . . . The solution of the Palestine problem into two separate states will be of profound historical significance, because this decision will meet the legitimate demands of the Jewish people, hundreds of thousands of whom, as you know, are still without a country, without homes, having found temporary shelter only in special camps in some Western European countries.

The Soviet Union voted “yes” for partition, as did its satellites Belorussia, Ukraine, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. (Yugoslavia, another satellite, abstained.)

“They saved the country, I have no doubt of that,” Ben-Gurion would say two decades later. “The Czech arms deal was the greatest help, it saved us and without it I very much doubt if we could have survived the first month.” Golda Meir, in her memoirs, similarly wrote that without the arms from the Eastern bloc, “I do not know whether we actually could have held out until the tide changed, as it did by June 1948.”

  • Camdat [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    MLs and calling someone who disagrees with them a trot name a more iconic duo

      7 months ago

      Equating USSR as a fascist and an authoritarian minority suppressing identity is equivalent to non Leninism. Hence a trot.

      • Camdat [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        Tbh proving my point

        Mild critiques and questions of Stalin's rule, and even "anti-Lenninism" (lmao) are not what makes a trot

          7 months ago

          As if you are ignorant on the language you yourself used to describe MLs and "iconic duo" and we know all the shenanigans of trots when comes to demonize USSR .

          • Camdat [none/use name]
            7 months ago

            Id say I'm an MLM

            Trots living rent free in ur head lol

            Could you define how trots embody "anti-Lenninism". Very big brain take

              • Camdat [none/use name]
                7 months ago

                Ah right I forgot only white people can do real communism

                If you're against every AES Communist party (almost all all trots or MLM) why even pretend like ur not just a patsoc

                  7 months ago

                  I am from Bangladesh and I am not against any AES. AES are model socialists they have their pros and cons and biases its upto people to judge history , like China still considers that invading Vietnam was the right thing to do. I don't consider it right like many MLs. Learn from good people like Vijay Prashad not from idiots who knows nothing of Marxism Leninism .

                  • Camdat [none/use name]
                    7 months ago

                    This is the correct level of nuance, but your original take is "MLMs and trots are anti-Lennin" which is completely ridiculous and ahistoric

                    Being anti-maoist because China "invaded" Vietnam is tantamount to being anti-Lenin because the USSR "invaded" Ukraine in 1919.

                    I guess it's easier when you can just make MLs "your team"

                      7 months ago

                      Being anti-maoist because China “invaded” Vietnam is tantamount to being anti-Lenin because the USSR “invaded” Ukraine in 1919.

                      Again conflating between 2 events . Vietnam was a full fledged state , Ukraine was under bourgeois entity supported by western powers . Vietnam did the right by removing Pol Pot from power .