We've been doing it for genetic modification for ages. If it's possible to stop people from making human-chihuahua baby hybrids en masse, why is it impossible to stop people from culturally devaluing art en masse?

I don't think it's reactionary to have a cultural concern like this, either. Especially when the concern boils down to hyper-commodification. I'm not concerned about some abstract "rot" of society, but rather the commodification of art itself.

  • WithoutFurtherBelay
    9 months ago

    Heavily, heavily fine and possibly jail people who break that law? Y’know, the stuff we do when we find someone with 2 ounces of weed on them but applying it to companies instead of random innocent black people?

    Most of the law is subjective anyways, so just compare the unmodified version and the modified one and if the modified one is barely recognizable, call it a day