Im defently active there and its awful. I talk about it a lot but most of the people there are MLM or (worse imo, the MLMs there are decently reasonable) leftcoms with awful takes on geopol and aes. (And thats letting aside the anarchists, who are worse on everything except social and cultural issues). There are some decent MLs there but its like needle in a haystack.

And its also like dodging landmines, because when you see good geopol takes in the replies, DO NOT TRUST, theres like an 80% chance theyre a social reactionairy, probably a Hazite, and their support for Russia is probably not critical lol.

Its awful.

  • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Thats part of it. But in think also a lot of socially progressive communists are driven to Ultraism out of a desire to be as far away from the Hazites possible whilest remaining technically communisfs because the Hazites are so cringe and uncool, lol.

      6 months ago

      The Maoists long predate the Hazites though. "Patsocs" as a movement haven't been around for very long at all, but there's a long tradition of western leftists adopting idealistic ultra tendencies. I think both groups do have a lot in common. Anyone so terminally online that they think twitter arguments are a good use of their time is probably pretty out of touch with reality and so prefers idealistic solutions to problems.

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Yeah i didnt mean to say Maoism came from a reaction to patsocs obv. I dont think the New Peoples Army is very concerned with Infared lol

        I meant that socially progressive communists on twitter are driven to MLM and leftcom to avoid being like them

        And im half convinced that the leading patsocs are a psyop to make antimperialism look inherently socially reactionairy.

          6 months ago

          I'd say both twitter patsocs and twitter maoists are psyops designed to funnel people away from actually understanding leftist theory. Both groups fundmentally and wilfully misinterpret socialist ideas to push their own personal ideas, which emphasise adventurism and very rigid adherence to a philosophical position. Neither group are truly a threat to capital and waste their time arguing on the internet instead of organising.

          Though Patsocs are 100% an op, I just suspect twitter maoists are one, I don't have any proof.

          • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
            6 months ago

            Twitter maoists dont seem to have any way out in front leader that would seem like an op to me like Hinkle and Haz are which is my main hesitation with that. To me it seems organic but i do agree their ideology presents no threat to capitalism

            Some of them are quiet nice and reasonable though at least.