Lmao, not a piracy problem. Just the Yemenis carrying out legitimate naval interdiction operations and interference from Israel's allies. Mfkers pretending this is a piracy problem like off the coast of Somalia when it's just ships affiliated with Israel being interdicted.

    • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
      7 months ago

      My understanding is that it's steadily improving, even if it's not universally free at point of service yet

      • ElHexo [comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        it's steadily improving, even if it's not universally free at point of service yet

        That's like saying American healthcare is steadily improving (pointing at ACA) even if it's not universally free at point of service yet.

        China's health insurance model is just as systemically broken as the US's health insurance model, and the only effective resolution will be dumping the entire system.

        • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
          7 months ago

          Comparing the flaccid improvement of the ACA to the genuine and steady progress that China is bringing to their healthcare seems disingenuous. Health spending has quadrupled in about a decade, see here (most articles seemed to link back to this one); and the state makes sure not to let srug companies throw their cock around (for example as seen in that video widely shared on this site showing state negotiators all but forcing foreign pharma company reps to accept basically selling at cost). And frankly their responses to and attempts to contain COVID were incredible from a public health perspective.

          That's just a few examples but they're signs of forward and continuing progress. It is not a sign of government inaction and abandoning people to the whims and ravages of private healthcare as seen in the US.

          • ElHexo [comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Here is a good article -

            The response to COVID-19 suggests much of the lib author's hand wringing about challenges are easily surmounted if the political will exists.

            It also demonstrates some improvement over the last couple of decades from the excesses in the late 90s, and reforms have slowly improved the system (but I still think it's comparable tinkering around the edges).

            But again, the response to covid clearly shows at least for healthcare there is a "press to implement socialist healthcare" button.

    • TheDialectic [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      It's expensive. Xi can only hit so many buttons at once. They will get to it long before we do.

      • ElHexo [comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        The cost argument is a cop out, just look at Cuba.

        I can accept that Xi wants to focus on strengthening the CPC's foundations (particularly after the more liberal period) and develop China's productive capacity.

        • TheDialectic [none/use name]
          7 months ago

          I dunno. At this point I am not ready to say I am more of an expert than the CPC about how to do comunism in China. I assume they had a reason related to material conditions. They don't have unlimited time and resources.

          • ElHexo [comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Any marketised and fragmented insurance approach will necessarily be less efficient at delivering good health outcomes than a comparatively centrally planned one.

            The reason was going to far looking to the US in the 1980s. The original CPC healthcare model was very different.

            There have been some gradual improvements however

            In 2017, the comprehensive reform pilot of urban public hospitals was fully carried out, with 93.9 percent of urban public hospitals canceling drug markup, effectively controlling the unreasonable growth of medical expenses in public hospitals. In May 2018, the National Healthcare Security Administration was formally established as an institution directly under The State Council. China’s medical security undertakings entered the stage of development in a more standardized way, with comprehensive reform of public hospitals, canceled drug markups, official drug purchase with volume, DRGS and other new policies