"Curse of The Author", December 22, 2023: In this podcast episode, I talk about a comic I did...(he talks about this recent incident of being hated on by everyone on Twitter like halfway through, and mentions the Hesse X JoCat social media harassment incident)

You can be anything you want!...As long as you are a soy uwu smol bean who stays delusionally positive despite living in hellworld where having skills (lol Obama neoliberals) or natural talents is required to not be homeless and dying in the streets

(Kamala Harris voice) "You will be special and have some value to the market to extract, or you will perish" :kamala-gun:

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    6 months ago

    You know I was just thinking earlier today that we haven't had a good BMF post in a while and was thinking of doing a parody one to fill some time and space on this site.

    (Kamala Harris voice) "You will be special and have some value to the market to extract, or you will perish" :kamala-gun:

    But there was no way I could top this. Solid 10/10 BMF, just perfect. Than you so much for this.