Like holy shit. It's tiring being a leftist, but damn at least leftists have a hope of a better future for the most part, or at least WANT a better future. Chuds on the other hand are like... they think there is no solution to the world's problems, just every man for himself. Hell, they don't just think that, they work towards it. Just a life of constant stress and strategic games to fuck over their fellow man so they can consume as much shit and declare themselves a 'winner' until the planet burns. No real friends, no real love. Just them and... what, the satisfaction of winning the world's loneliest prize? Is a species that's eating itself truly winning?

It sounds so miserable and exhausting.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    9 months ago

    The futility of the ritual would drive me insane. Even after you've collected all the special totems of masculinity and patriotism, even after you've said all the magic words that should set the world right, even after you've devoted yourself to every grifter and charlatan, it doesn't work. It's a child's fantasy of becoming a superhero when they grow up, but the superpower is "one day someone might want to fuck me" or "one day my boss will see me as an equal". And no matter how hard I try to read into why it doesn't work, the only books available to me are written by the grifters and charlatans playing shell games with words. It's like the people who devote their lives to a chain of pyramid schemes in the hopes that they'll get rich quick.