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  • Sphere [he/him, they/them]
    6 months ago

    My understanding is that the second financial advisor is correct. You should at least start trying to plan for the worst case scenario, and I really don't see another option besides pulling her out of the nursing home for at least a little bit, to buy yourselves some time. Medicaid typically has a five-year lookback, so giving the house away isn't really an option (you're not eligible for Medicaid for 5 years after such a transaction).

    I'm very sorry to offer only bad news. I'm not an attorney, but everything I know about these rules suggests that it really is that bad, so you should be prepared to take whatever action you can to forestall losing the house.

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      Welp, time to drag this dying old grandma outta her care center, I guess. She's not gonna want to lose her house, since it's the only thing she can leave her daughter anyway. I'll keep looking, but I will also prepare for the eventuality of bringing her home.