Was thinking about this last night. I have friends who I really don’t know anything about on an emotional level because I’ve drilled into my head it’s a conversation meant to be shared in therapy. But there’s also a part of me that sees the value in getting to know people as humans and not just their 9-5 selves. I have fem-presenting friends who seem to be more open to these types of conversations, but I genuinely want to find the line between sharing and over sharing. As a man, It’s pretty depressing to think about tbh, knowing other men for decades but not really knowing anything about them besides their favorite teams or beer.

Is this a thing that’s exclusive to males? Also, if you have any good literature recommendations for this topic please drop below 😅

  • LaughingLion [any, any]
    9 months ago

    I feel you. Men aren't allowed to show certain emotions. We can be excited about sports, angry, horny, or happy but in a reserved way. Giggle happy? Nope. Sad? Nope. Sentimental? Only about dogs and trucks and maybe in private with our partners, but be careful with that because there are women who are toxic and crying men is a big ick for them.

    That said, we must be the change we want to see in the world. The paradigm has to shift somehow. So lay those feelings on me IRL, brother. Cry on my shoulder. Tell me about how your marriage is starting to feel stale or your partner distant. Get depressed with me about your aging dog starting to decline in health. I'll listen and a bunch of other men out there will listen these days, too. Some of us have been through it. We have experience to share and advice to give. Sometimes, we can drink a few with you and just hear you out and say, "yeah" and "yep" every now and again in a gruff voice if that's what you need. We are around. Times are a changin'.