This was on the front page a day or 2 ago, right near the top:

*removed externally hosted image*

It seemed... inorganic. And I'm not sure what the gold trim is on those posts. Other posts didn't have them.

  • pixelghost [any]
    4 months ago

    The yellow means the post or comment has received "gold." Basically, people paying to boost or highlight the post. Screams bot activity to me, or at the very least a very unsubtle propaganda post made by some underpaid Israeli keyboard warrior trying to further associate anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism.

      4 months ago

      propaganda post made by some underpaid Israeli keyboard warrior

      Yes I have heard of this. They don't even need to be Israeli.

    • blakeus12 [he/him]
      4 months ago

      how do these pictures associate anti-Semitism with anti-zionism

      • pixelghost [any]
        4 months ago

        The pictures themselves are fine. It's the fact that the posts are very similar, paid, and pushed to the front of a feed in a time when an ethnostate wearing the Jewish identity is carrying out a genocide on a captive population. It feels, as OP said, inorganic.

        Of course the pictures could also be read as a reminder of what Jewish resistance really stood for, which would conversely carry a distinctly anti-Israel sentiment, and the optimist in me wants to believe that. I can't see the comments on the posts, so I have no way of knowing for sure.