• peeonyou [he/him]
    6 months ago

    My last job was basically that. I got the computer, they set up some accounts and stuff, and then nobody talked to me for about a week after the introductory zoom calls and whatnot. I was pinging teammates and my manager with questions about what the f i should be doing and got cold responses or no responses.

    I basically did jack shit at that job for a whole year. It sounds great, but it was actually hell.

    • Raebxeh
      6 months ago

      It sounds great, but it was actually hell.

      Pretending to be busy while also being chronically bored out of your mind for 8 hours a day is physically taxing. Nobody expects it when they come in from, say, a retail job where they’re on their feet all day. But you can feel the toll it takes on your body to do that shit. If the pay was the same, I’d take factory work over office work any day. Office work just tends to pay way more.

      • peeonyou [he/him]
        6 months ago

        I agree entirely. I've worked in a couple different factories and I actually love that kind of work. You get really quick and good at stuff without it requiring any thought whatsoever but everyone is working in unison and getting shit done. But you're right, they don't pay that great at all.

      6 months ago

      I spent just over two months at a new job unable to do anything because everyone was too busy to give me the required training session. Hated it. Can't imagine sitting around like that for a year.

      • peeonyou [he/him]
        6 months ago

        To be fair, I learned what we do and got myself involved in stuff but nothing ever quite clicked all the way. Their decisions never really made sense and they fought me on things I thought were absolutely common sense -- like not letting people copy all their files from their laptop to their personal google drive or a usb drive before wiping their laptop after we just fired them. Just insane shit.

        • nohaybanda [he/him]
          6 months ago

          letting people copy all their files from their laptop to their personal google drive or a usb drive before wiping their laptop after we just fired them.

          Nah, fam. You’re in the wrong on this one and it seems like you had some based colleagues

          • peeonyou [he/him]
            5 months ago

            lol i would agree with you if they were doing it because they were based, but they weren't.. they were doing it because they were knuckleheads that didn't know any better and didn't want to be challenged on anything