Fucking baby brained loser right here

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    6 months ago

    I honestly don't know what the MAGoos will do if Trump abandons them.

    They'd just keep rolling along, either deifying trump and saying this "new" Trump is an imposter or finding some other figurehead. The US has always had a regressive right element, Trump was just at the right place and right time to rally them. Trump isn't some sorcerer who brainwashed what we're before a bunch of reasonable moderate republicans. If Trump did not exist the US right would have to create one.

    • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      Not a sorcerer, just the guy who was willing to say out loud what the others dog whistled. Even holy roller Mitt Romney was willing to make a little, highly coded Birther joke about Obama. [I don't need a passport to come to Michigan.]

      I always use this analogy. Nixon = beer. Reagan = grain punch. Bush Jr. = whiskey. Trump = meth.

      • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
        6 months ago

        Yeah but again, if it weren't Trump so other dork would be filling that role. Libs think Trump is some linchpin when really he's just what rose to the top of an already frothing caldron.