I don't care if they're gay together, it's still fucked up.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    5 months ago

    at first I thought the blonde one was Kate McKinnon from SNL, but it turns out it's her Australian doppelganger Kate McLennan. what the fuck??

      • AlicePraxis [any]
        5 months ago

        they're not that similar in general but she does look like McKinnon in this pic, it's the smile. it just really fucked with my head that this woman has an eerily similar name to the woman I thought she was

      • AlicePraxis [any]
        5 months ago

        I actually thought it was Sarah Sherman / Sarah Squirm in normal mode, though that didn't make much sense since they weren't on the show at the same time.

        actually the likeness might be more similar than McKinnon/McLennan
