• GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    5 months ago

    They both spread enemy propaganda. Your opinion of someone has nothing at all to do with it. Either enemy propaganda should be covered as free speech or shouldn't. You don't get to pick and choose based on your opinion cause laws don't work like that for a good fucking reason.

    I don't even believe in free speech (as in like, as a concept it's meaningless) but at least I get how laws work.

    • Tinidril@midwest.social
      5 months ago

      America has plenty of ways to allow free speech without really allowing free speech. The Internet blew up their controls for a while, but they have speech they don't like pretty well quarantined again.

      In Russia, the state dominates corporations. In America, corporations dominate the state. In either case, it ultimately ends up looking pretty much the same, though I think corruption in Russia has been quite a bit worse. Most of our leaders can still fool themselves into thinking they are virtuous, and that gives the people at least some ability to push back.