• BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
    4 个月前

    Bruh your instance has to exist for you to have a community because everyone else knows how poorly thought out your content is.

    Or is Big Lemmy just out to get you?

    • oregoncom [he/him]
      4 个月前

      The software you're using was written by a communist lmao. Lemmy was just us and Lemmygrad/lemmy.ml for years before you rddit NPCs decided to freak out over some rddit bullshit and make a thousand reddit clones. Now every once in a while we get to see you basement dwellers accidentally walk outside your echo chamber and freak out.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      4 个月前

      everyone else

      15 liberals that couldn't put an original thought together to save their lives.