
    4 months ago

    Indeed. The Ukraine used all these excellent communications technologies to create a superior understanding of the battleground than Russia and has been victorious in every encounter since they received the Leopards. They absolutely, definitely, did not just ride these tanks into mine fields and artillary range to get shredded.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 months ago

      The big Leopard killers that I've seen have been Lancet kamikaze drones. They're super advanced missiles costing a whopping $35,000. As long as those Leopards can either use their advanced battle management systems to shoot down an RPG warhead with wings or the Leopards cost under $35k, here's how Ukraine can still win.

      edit: I'm receiving OSINT that Leopards cost $6m. Someone help me manage this budget I can't make $6m smaller than $35k.

      edit: WAIT! I've got it! Just take away the letter and it looks great. Leopards cost 6, Lancet drones cost a stunning 35. It no longer looks like Russia could fire 171 drones at each tank before it becomes cost-ineffective and they have to rely on mines and holes in the ground.

        4 months ago

        edit: WAIT! I've got it! Just take away the letter and it looks great. Leopards cost 6, Lancet drones cost a stunning 35. It no longer looks like Russia could fire 171 drones at each tank before it becomes cost-ineffective and they have to rely on mines and holes in the ground.

        That almost sounds like real cope from nato bootlickers.

        4 months ago

        OSINT usually just means stark raving mad western chauvinist. Their main skill seems to be hitting wikipedia asap after a state dept press release.

        • happybadger [he/him]
          4 months ago

          The OSINT community is showing the potential of the crowdsourced 21st century war. Just last night I saw a twitter account with a dog holding one of those rocket launchers that really dismembers conscripted teenagers. The dog was posting a screenshot from google maps and saying slurs. Whoever controls that account drew many intelligent lines on the map. I normally couldn't see information like that without literally working for the CIA, yet here I am in 2024 helping Ukraine fight a war. Just by replying "vladolf putin hitler" under the slur dog named @Sicherheitsdienst88.